Backstage with Author Maureen Crisp.
Hello and Welcome,
I've been writing for nearly twenty years for myself, for schools and for publishers.
I love learning about new things. My interests are all over the place, circus arts, space, new inventions, communication.... The world is a fascinating place.
I have written books about skeleton stealing dogs, secret rock star lives, and invisible friends on Mars along with all sorts of other writing for the School Journal and magazines in New Zealand.
At the moment I am writing a science fiction series for kids as well as the circus series.
The circus series is mostly finished and in production now.
I love researching new ideas and letting my mind wander. My favourite words are WHAT IF....
When I am not writing for kids I put together a weekly resource round up for other writers. I can be pretty busy talking and learning and sharing about writing.
In November 2017 my peers decided to award me with the Betty Gilderdale Award for Outstanding Services to Children's Literature.
This award took me by surprise and I'm very honoured to join the list of distinguished recipients. (Still pinching myself...)
In 2018 I was selected as a judge for the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults. This meant that I could tell my family I have to read this... and not get in trouble.
I have two Newsletters.
You can sign up for A Backstage Pass to get Circus book news and other odd things I might have from time to time (like swag or custard pies...) With a special Circus story just for you! Anizy Antics has all your favourite characters. They are beginning to put the show together... what could possibly go wrong?
If you are a little bit older and want to know What's Out There In Space (which is my nerdy passion) Sign up for the Outer Space Newsletter for Space book news, extra scenes, and other astro news.
You can contact me by sending me an email or finding me on Twitter BlueSky, and Mastodon with the @craicer handle or over on Facebook
Even More About Me....
Below are links to interviews with me about reading, writing, and judging children's books.
Interview for The Mixed Up Files, International Kidlit Authors website
Betty Gilderdale Award announcement and citation.
New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults - judges interview